Monday, November 16, 2015

I hope you get to play today little boy ....

  • My Simple Pleasure today is freedom, my simple Pleasure is this girl right here for today . Laura Wasserman Due to my last post I had some one defriend me , and its ok , hey my parents defriend me so nothing surprises me but today Im free finally. But for those who have been asking more about what we as JW's go through and about triggers, Im sharing a beautiful post that Laura had written on Halloween. I realize Im not the only one and its nice when you have someone who can understand the triggers. Laura is also shunned by her family but like me she has a wonderful husband who has walked the journey with her and kids like mine that are just awesome. Dustin Tharp please read this I think this will give you another perspective from another former witness........
  • To the little Jehovah's Witness boy who is crying outside on the sidewalk in front of my house...I'm sorry your parents are making you go door to door preaching... with them this morning. You look like you are no more than 5 years old, and even though they dressed you warmly for this 50 degree temperature, I know it feels extra cold when you're standing at people's doors for hours instead of running around playing outside. Today is Halloween, but you are not allowed to celebrate that, just as you are prohibited from enjoying Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, and even your own birthday. You are not allowed to salute the flag, you will never be allowed to vote or join the military, and if you are dying and only a blood transfusion will save you, your parents will have to let you die without it.
    Whatever you do, little guy, try to stand up for yourself when they push you into baptism at a young age. Tell them you don't feel ready at age 12 or even 16. Tell them it's an adult decision to make, something that could change your entire life. Once you are trapped into childhood baptism, if you decide later to make another choice, you will be disowned by your family and shunned by the entire organization. Stand strong. But if you do cave under their enormous pressure and agree to baptism, know that if you realize later that it was an irreversible mistake, you are not alone. There are many who are in the same boat.
    I hope that you get to play today, little boy. I'll be thinking of you.

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