As I sat this morning looking at the beautiful sunrise and had a talk with Jesus , probably the most heartfelt talk Ive had with him in awhile , I did something I hadn't done in a while. After I poured out my heart in tears, I sat and listened , I listened to that still small voice and he reminded me of when I had written my original post about my hurt with my parents and the shunning that Jehovah Winesses encourage, he reminded me of one sentence that Dr. Bill Harris told me "One Day at a Time Karen, just one day at a time with your walk with Jesus" hmmmm, something so simple that I have allowed the Devil to make so hard for me . I have much deep appreciation for Dr. Harris, Dr. Harris you and your wife will never know the deep impact that you gave me during my conviction and salvation. While working in Labor and Delivery , Dr. Harris witnessed my conviction , I had my King James bible under my bed at my parents home back in 1998 , I was divorced living with my parents with my three children. Can you imagine having to hide something so simple as a Bible ? It wasn't like it was a pornographic magazine , it was a Bible. My father found my bible and he threw it away. When I told the story to my fellow colleagues while Dr. Harris was making rounds one day , he had over heard me saying I no longer had a Bible ( Jehovah Witnesses do not use the King James , they use the New World Translation) I was heart broken I no longer had a King James Bible to take to church and being a single mother I really did not have the money to go buy one. The next day , Dr. Harris brought me a gift to celebrate my being born again , he handed me this beautiful gift from he and his wife , when I opened it , it was the most beautiful Scofield King James Bible, I treasure it to this day . What I listened to Jesus tell me this morning is two things #1) You and your husband Mark built your grandson a beautiful book nook for him to appreciate the art of books an reading , Jesus told me "Karen that book nook isn't only for Raleigh but for you as well to read my words everyday , teach Raleigh about my precious book as well... ok Jesus , wow, thank you and you know what I can do that and #2) He said "Karen today walk with me , give me your burden and let me carry it for you , don't you know that I can carry your burden , have faith in me , Im strong , your weak right now , let me lighten your load " words so simple but at times hard to understand , why is it that not only me we say we give our burdens to Jesus but then we turn right back around and take them back/ Today I will not take that burden , today Jesus I will give you my burden so I can be happy and light .You said “You will live by your sword, and you will serve your brother. But when you decide to break free, you will shake his yoke from your neck.”Genesis 27:39-41
Today , I am breaking free from the yoke around my neck you also promise in Matthew 11:28-29 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Today, I want my burden light I want rest for my weary soul. I want to be happy today for my husband, my children , my grandchildren . I want to enjoy my evening with my grandson Raleigh tonight putting up my Christmas tree and I promise you today Jesus I will read to Raleigh your precious words . Thank you for letting me hear you through your child Dr. Bill Harris , one day at a time Karen , one day at a time with your walk with Jesus
God bless!