Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Tale of Two Baptisms :One by sight -one by FAITH



2 Corinthians 5:7-For we walk by faith, not by sight: ( The picture above is of my son Dakotah Being baptized)

The past few weeks I have been pondering over baptism and what does it mean for me . Personally, I have had two water baptisms.

As a born and raised JW, that is the ultimate goal of Jehovahs Witnesses  and as growing up in the religion , you always know that you are STRONGLY encouraged to do so. Especially, if you are a child of an elder, there is no question, you will be baptized sooner or later and actually sooner is the best . I was baptized in the Spring of 1984 , I was 14 years old.

To give you some insight on how that Jehovahs Witnesses are programmed to be baptize , I will explain. In the latter months of my 13th year of life, my parents started inquiring “Karen I think you are and should be giving thought to baptism” I dreaded hearing that brought up . I knew better than to say “No , I don’t think so “ So , I did what every good example of a teen JW does , agree . My father who was an elder ( elders are like pastors )  went to the other elders and told them that I was ready to be baptized.

Now, to be baptized as a JW, its just not asking to be baptized as a symbol of your faith , there is an algorithm that they follow from the Headquarters in New York. Once you make it known you are ready to be baptized over the course of a few months , two to three elders will meet with you personally to go over a little over 100 questions that is in a JW book . These questions are broken up into different categories . The questions are geared toward you knowing and being able to answer the foundations of what JW’s believe. Some of those questions are really hard to answer and being 14 , I remember being so nervous , I had no clue what the answer meant but I just memorized them and gave the answer. After being given the thumbs up that I passed the questions, the next thing would be the actual baptism.

Jehovah Witnesses, do not USUALLY  baptize in lakes , ponds , creeks or have a baptismal in their Kingdom Halls. Baptism is usually done 1-3 times per year and these are at what they call assemblies, special day assembly or conventions. These are in the present of thousands of other JW’s.


( picture above is what an average assembly , convention is for a Jehovah Witness, thousands of people)

When I was 14 , my baptism on that Saturday was to be held in Johnson City Tn at the Freedom Hall Convention Center in front of approximately 3 thousand fellow Jehovah Witnesses from the surrounding area. I remember getting ready that morning at 5 am , with my new dress that I had gotten , I was not excited about the baptism, I can remember thinking I know this means a lot to my parents and it would make them happy. When we arrived at the Convention Center , usually the first three to five rows in front of the stage are blocked off for the baptismal candidates. Around 10:45 that morning , the Elder gave the talk ( sermon) about baptism it lasted about an hour. I cant remember anything about what he said , I was more nervous about having to be in a bathing suit in front of all these people, I kept thinking , I hope I don’t look fat ( although I was tooth pick) and I was thinking “Its going to take forever for my hair to dry Im not going to have much time to go and talk to my friends when Im done . So the moment arrived :at the end of the talk all baptismal candidates are asked to stand . When we stood , we are asked two questions and to this day , these are the questions you are asked and you must answer in the affirmative YES to the questions: These are the questions and a picture below showing you . The Elder asked :

“Therefore now with your mouth make a public declaration of your faith by answering these two questions that I shall ask you, and let your answers be hearable, that all those about you may be witnesses to the declaration that you solemnly make:

The first question is: On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?

The second is: Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in association with God’s spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism.”

Then, all 150 of us walked in a single file line to the swimming pool in the convention center and changed into our swimming attire . While thousands of our fellow JW’s friends gathered around the pool area to watch our immersion.

 Iwas so nervous and was about to throw up , but I did not slip and fall, I wore a Tshirt over my bathing suit not to expose my body and when it was over I was never more happier . It did take me over half an hour to dry my hair and so I only had a few minutes to talk to my friends prior to the evening service starting . I had no idea that my baptism as a JW would end up costing me everything I ever knew. Look at that 2nd question again,  I was making a pledge to an organization . I wasn’t old enough to drive and legally wasn’t responsible to drive, I wasn’t legally old enough to buy alcohol or sign permission slips to go on a field trip at school, but I was suppose to be old enough and mature enough to understand that making this pledge would mean that if I ever left , I would be shunned .
Here is a video of a JW baptism at a convention in 2012, these are the same questions I had to answer: Its a short video and I encourage you to watch


Now.. did you also hear? According to the Jehovah's Witnesses , I was now an ordained Minister.. who knew.

Moving forward to 1998 , when I underwent my conviction . I remember so vividly being and working in labor and delivery where God used my friend and colleague Janice Messer to help water the seeds that the Lord had planted in my heart so many years ago . The first thing he used , was Janice’s lifestyle. She and her husband Randy had been married for years and had two teens at the time. Randy would come and see and visit Janice at the hospital and everytime he would come they were so so happy. I just couldn’t understand that . How is it that I was born and raised a JW who’s motto is “They are the happiest people on earth “ why is it that Im not happy, why is it that I have had not one but two failed marriages to Jehovahs Witness men and they failed. But here stood before me , what the Jehovah Witnesses would call Janice and Randy ( worldy people ) and they are so happy? I remember asking Janice that and she simply told me that they went to church and serve Christ together. That was the beginning of my several month conviction .

After being saved, I wanted to be baptized . This time my baptism was so different. I remember going to church that morning being so excited not embarrassed. The service that morning was so powerful , the joy in our hearts as we sang and prayed. After church we went down to Cherokee Lake where I was dunked under and this time , I felt something , I felt NEW. I felt proud .

Three Years ago I was able to witness one of my sons , make known his salvation and be baptized , once again , seeing and believing what the truth and the feel of being baptized really means.
I have learned that walking with Christ and believing isn’t based on Sight it is based on Faith. Faith was given to me as a Free gift from Jesus when he saved me As believers, we grow faith! We start out with the seed of the Word. We plant it, cultivate it, guard it against the pests and elements that try to destroy it. If we’ll do those things our faith will grow greater all the time. In other words, if you have just a little bit of faith, use it like a seed. Plant it in a situation with the words of your mouth. Then keep believing and that faith will grow and work in that ground until it becomes great enough to get the job .

done - 


  1. I am always so grateful to become aware of other ex-JW who have found a life with Jesus after being DFed and shunned. It took me 9 year of stopping going to meetings to being DFed and then another 10 years before I was ready to explore going to a church but I do think that the Lord took his time and led be to a church where the preacher would take a book of the bible (usually one of the gospels) and do a few verses at a time and then talk about them and bring them to today. I do not think that if he had done it any other way I would have been able to have continued to go. (come to find out he new so much more about the scriptures than any witness I had ever met even my father who had ben an congregation overseer and then elder.) And then when I gave my life to Jesus several months later it was like a tremendous weight had been lifted off of me and I finally knew that I was right with God (I had worried so for 20 years). That was 18-19 years ago and was baptized as a Christian in a Christian church shortly after that. I know looking back that God was pursuing and watching over me all those years while in the JW org and after I left.

    When you wrote about your baptism with JWs, I was trying to remember mine and for the life of me I do not remember exactly when or where. I know I was but that whole memory is gone. I do know that I was about 17 year old and do know that was kind of late for an elder's kid. (It was about 1973 or so.) But my second baptism was very memorable.

    So I just wanted to thank you for your blog. Will try to follow yours which will be a first for me.

    Dani H

    1. Dani- Thank you so much for sharing and following my blog. In some of my former blogs , I explained my conviction and I honestly believe that Jesus planted and tugged at my heart when I was a child, one of my earliest memories when I was about 5 yrs old which I have not written about I was outside playing on a dirt hill and days prior to that my mother was reading to me out of the Paradise book. I can remember the pictures being so scary at 5 years old and mom was telling me there is no burning hell. A few days later out on that dirt hill I can remember having a stick and digging, I was digging to find hell . I look back at that now , I know that the Lord was planting that seed of doubt but he knew I was a child and that I could not nor would not disobey my parents, as years progressed as you well know, we could never question anything , but things never set right with me in their teaching especially shunning, I was a shunner now I am shunned and it never felt right , I could never understand how that was suppose to leas someone to want to come back but as you and I know that some do go back because they have no one . For years , I continued on , Pioneered was the youngest in my pioneer class, had a huge Kingdom Hall wedding and I married to get out of the house. When That marriage ended, I went to back school , which was frowned upon. I stopped pioneering and would only go to the meetings hear and there. My conviction was so strong at 28 and I was so scared to set foot in an actual church , I cried the first time and stood outside just knowing that when I took my first step into the church I had now crossed a line BUT as soon as I did the most over whelming Peace set into me . Please find me on FB as well Karen Hale Mark Haase.
