Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Widows Mite:Two Copper Coins;Griffyn's Mite :Pizza

Its been a few weeks since my last blog. I have so many notebooks of thoughts, memories, feelings but I have to let the Lord lead me in what I write about , as my husband Mark would tell me , “ don’t go all willy nilly, follow your spiritual gift that the Lord gave you , to honor him” as a bag of fun my husband is , he does have some profound statements from time to time.

This past week, something hit me when I saw a thread on Facebook. It was a picture of my nephew( well actually he is my cousin but he calls us Aunt Karen and Uncle Mark)  his name is Griffyn and he is probably one of the most generous and thoughtful young men you would meet.

Griffyn, is attending MTSU college in TN, he is about 3 hours from home and does not have any family while being in college. This past week, Griffyn seen a gentleman standing on the street holding a sign that said “Hungry” Now, anyone who knows Griffyn, the boy loves to eat and especially this time of year while in wrestling season and you are having to “cut” weight , that is all a wrestler thinks of is FOOD. Griffyn, is not a young man that is made of material wealth, his parents work but just like the rest of mainstream Americans there is not a lot left over to be able to provide the luxury of cars  etc.. So Griffyn lives on a tight budget being in college, of course his main meal being of Ramen Noodles so when he can occasionally have that Pizza , it’s a welcoming party to his taste buds. This week, he had just bought a pizza and rather than have his tongue fly back and hit his tonsils and have the pizza party for him , he seen this gentleman holding this sign and he gave his pizza to this man .

There was some negativity , with this thread , because Griffyn and the gentleman had a picture taken together with the pizza. One individual thought Griffyn wanted to bring Glory to himself , when in fact if anyone knows my nephew this wasn’t the case at all, he wanted to bring light to the situation that during this snow storm there are people out there that are hungry. Another , negativity that was said , this gentleman had a on a North Face jacket. My response was : The point of grace isn’t that the recipient is worthy – it’s all about the giver of the grace and how much they love. We deserve nothing from God yet He gives us everything. If we are wanting to follow Him then we have to have the same attitude as He does towards the poor. Love them without restraint. Don’t judge them or think you know them or treat them as a “mob” that you think you have all the answers on.

And who the heck is “more worthy” of eating??? It’s a basic human right – I don’t care if you’ve spent your money on crack – if you are hungry I’m going to give you food. Period. Starving never taught anyone anything except that people don’t care about them and they are worthless. And that’s a lie because the “worst” or “least” of us is who Christ died for.

Now comes the point of my blog , with the act of giving . We have all heard “It is better to give than to receive?” Is that true for you , for me. Anyone knows me , will say I give way to much and I would be honest to say that is true. Our giving is part of our UNIQUE “Talent , workmanship “ that God dug and built into each of us.

When the person responded to my nephews picture stating that Griffyn just wanted admiration for his giving ( so not true ) but I couldn’t help but think about Biblical Solomon: He was the extravagant giver , Everything he gave was huge in size , 3000 Proverbs, 1005 Songs a beautiful temple and palace, when Solomon gave he didn’t hide or shy away from recognition. Griffyn gave a pizza, it made him feel good he gave altruistically  not to gain recognition for himself although giving felt good.


Do we remember the story of the Poor Widows Offering of the two copper coins and what did Jesus say to his disciples : "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; 44for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on."

I think about Griffyn, he gave all he had , this pizza was probably his biggest splurge for the week, but he gave it all.

Growing up as Jehovah Witness , we did not give to charities. We could not and they are still not allowed to shop at Salvation Armies any Christian Book Store or any type of charity such as Girl Scout Cookies ( although many JW”S sneak and buy them anyway. Although I was raised in believing to give , it was only actually giving to the JW organization, Jehovahs Witnesses do not tither per se, they do not pass around a collection plate , now that sounds nice , because if you don't have 5$ to spare to give to the plate you aren't embarrassed however when you attend a Kingdom Hall you will see "CONTRIBUTION boxes" on the wall or in a corner, you are highly encouraged to give in the boxes. ( picture below of Jehovahs Witnesses with the Contribution boxes)


In order to receive any assistance from The Jehovah Witness you must at least be studying with them  and making changes in your life , the assistance is minimal, Jehovahs witnesses do not have soup kitchens,  no homeless shelters for battered women  hey don't even believe in  having clothing bins. If a homeless person walked in the Kingdom Hall as I have witnessed, seeking help, the elder will surround him like chicken pecking a snake, they will wok on that persons vulnerability , invite them to stay for the meeting , offer a bible study and perhaps they might give them a ride .

·        The Watchtower Society ( JW’s) has often criticized other churches for passing collection plates during meetings. Churches that organize bingo, party games and other fund-raising efforts have also been repeatedly condemned. At the same time the JW’s has emphasized that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not solicit donations!

I can remember one time being with a friend of mine and there was some individuals came to her door collecting for a Cancer Fund, I can remember she and I discussing  giving to them . We really didn’t see a problem with it but our JW thoughts came back in  that no we need not give because “Jehovah will be removing cancer shortly when we get to Paradise.”then as I got older it didn’t make any sense as to why we as JW’s didn’t give to charities such as cancer , organ and tissue transplants etc.. but we would gladly accept any help if we had cancer or needed a transplant. Its the same with blood , a JW will accept blood “fractions” but they wont donate blood. They will reap the reward of good will toward others  but don not reciprocate.

I love my father whom has shunned me . He served in the Army and received an honorable discharge . Later he became a JW’. Jehovah ‘s Witnesses do not believe in serving in the military , do not and will not salute the flag , will not sing the national anthem BUT  my dad gladly accepts the benefits of being in the military . He had cancer that almost killed him but was given the best care at the Veterans hospital. His medical cost him no money , he was able to afford his home through a VA loan, so this has always troubles me as Jehovahs witnesses, we cant serve or show respect to the flag or our service men but he can take the benefits of the government.

Jehovah witnesses will say they give to charities they  will tell you that they do charitable work, aiding people in hurricane-struck areas or disaster areas , they do some charitable work. Just enough to get away with their tax-exempt Charity status. You’ll mostly benefit from it if you are a Jehovah’s Witness.

I have been at restaurants as a  former Jehovah Witness and rather than the witnesses at times leaving the waitress a monetary tip they have left the waitress with a watchtower magazine or a biblical tract . This was to be viewed as tip to save her life . Now , I don’t know about you  but when Im hungry  or working , I don’t want a piece of literature  as my pay , Id like to be able to buy a can of food.

Since leaving my world as a JW , I have to admit my views of humanity have changed  well, perhaps not so much changed , because I believe the Lord held me tight growing up as a JW  until I was old enough and strong enough to leave the organization. So rather than my views on humanity changing I would say , my view on humanity and giving has only deepened.  Seeing people give from their heart, my profession in working with transplants seeing how people find solace out of a tragic death by giving and organ to someone else is altruistic as it gets. Seeing that there is good  in people. Practicing giving without having to wonder if it is ok .. I give because it feels good, it makes me smile, it makes me smile to see another person happy. Whether , it’s a piece of pizza, the shoes off my feet ( which I have done ) my husband and buying a random family breakfast at IHOP, giving my children a gift , giving to my grandbabies and as a called APOSTATE that is shunned by her Jehovah Witness family and friends giving the gift of a simple smile and hello doesn’t cost me anything .. but peace and knowing that the Lord is happy with my gift -----because it honored him.So yes, there is more happiness in giving than receiving , so the next time someone gives you something , please remember the gift is be given to you out of love they feel for you , they are not giving you something for you to say “oh you didn’t have to” no , they didn’t have too, but something moved that person to think of you .. its called love , so don’t hurt that persons feeling by declining the gift , give them a hug and just say THANK YOU .

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