Saturday, January 2, 2016


Remember the  Slogan for Ringling Brothers Circus “The Greatest Show on Earth”….. as Jehovah’s Witnesses, I was raised with hearing the slogan that we are “The Happiest People on Earth” . I can remember trying to tell people that , trying to make myself believe that but deep inside from early as I can remember I was not happy. Oh, there were some good memories along the way , looking back very fake friendships because you truly arent taught how to be a friend because you are always looking  over your shoulder to see who to snitch on to the elders , so you take on a role of ..get them before they get you .. but that’s a whole other blog.

Today , I wanted to give you what a life in the week is life growing up as JW, and for those of you who know or have friends who you go to school or work with what their life is like now. Some things have changed since the years I have been out of the organization and that is what they call it “Jehovahs organization” although they may only attend their Kingdom Hall twice a week now , the studies and what you are taught are still the same .

How as Jehovahs Witnesses, when I came to your door knocking , how is it that I could speak so well, accurately, turn to any scripture in the bible, how could I argue with you ? Every week Jehovahs Witnesses particpate in what they call the Theocratic Ministry School. Every week, different JW’s will have an assignment , they are “skits”for the ladies, one lady will pretend to be the JW and the other lady will pretend to be the non JW ( you) we would pretend knocking on your door and starting a biblical conversation with you . After the skit is over, then an elder will grade you on what I will call in easy laymans terms your performance. If you did well you got a “G” for good, if you did ok , the elder may feel you need to do a repeat and you will get an “I” for improvement and well, if you didn’t do so well you would get a ‘W” which means you need to work on it. What are we being graded on during these skits? We were and the ones who are still active JW’s are graded on gestures, monotone, how you dressed, emphasizing words, timing .. all these are to prepare the JW to come to your home and knock on your door.

In my next blog, I will address how as Jehovahs Witnesses we know how to overcome objections that we may receive in the door to door ministry.. but for now these are a few things I want to share as to when a JW comes to your door , you may think and have respect for them and the work they do BUT… everything is recorded . How do Jehovahs Witnesses pick your house to come to and knock on your door? My dad served as the “Service Overseer” for many years, it was his job in our town and county

 ( and this is the same whether here in TN , Alaska, Australian Jehovahs Witnesses)  my dad would divide up a map of our town and county  and Jehovahs Witnesses would come to “check” out a territory to work. Just like checking out a book at the library. It is the goal that your neighborhood gets knocked on at least once a year and that is how that different JW’s will knock on your door, a different JW will check out the territory . They will meet on any given day , mostly Saturdays at 9 am at the Kingdom Hall and divide up into car groups , then it is determined which territory will be worked that day . Here is an example of a territory:


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Now…. This sounds simple enough and you may be thinking , well that’s ok, they are able to make sure they do their ministry well. These next few items are what you as non Jehovahs Witnesses don’t see .If you have had a JW knock on your door , then believe me they have kept an accounting of it.If  they knocked on your door and you didn’t answer. If you did answer and you were nice and receptive been and actually  did speak with them, they’ve kept notes on any details that they feel will help them with their next visit to your home . Your name, sex, religious affiliation, approximate age, whether or not you were busy or receptive they will make a note if they noticed if you have children, your landscaping etc.. The person visiting you will note the date and time and how long they spoke with you… all next to your address. The reason why we were taught to do this is to help with the  next visit to your home. It gives the JW time enough to find something to get on a relatable topic. For instance, perhaps they noticed what a lovely yard you have , you must love nature , so they will practice getting ready to come back to your home for a 2nd visit and they may open up and say something like “ I noticed your lovely yard and all your beautiful flowers, wouldn’t it be nice to live in a place like this forever ?... Here is a copy of the House to House Record we would keep and active JW’s still keep  , when they leave your house they go back to their car and write down everything.. I know .. I use to do it .


And the third thing I want to address : At the end of every month , JW’s are to keep a recording of how many hours they spent knocking on your doors or spent talking with you at school or work about Jehovah. This is one thing that never felt right to me at all and frankly my parents never knew this BUT I WOULD LIE ON MY TIME SHEET.. these time sheets are sent to New York with the elders of the Governing Body . You are to record how many hours you spent, how many Watchtowers and Awake Magazines you left with people.To be a “good” JW , it is strongly encouraged you must obtain at least 10 hours a month .


Here is a copy of a Time Sheet :


…You have to remember JW’s don’t believe in being born again, being saved, they believe their salvation is earned through their works.After I was saved the one thing Jesus said to me was very simple “ Karen, there is not enough doors you could ever knock on , not enough hours you could ever record to have salvation there is only one way and it simple “ He reminded me of what he said Matthew 7:21-23King James Version (KJV)

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

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